Monday, April 21, 2008


So, yes yes its been a while and I am sorry. Life has been hectic recently with work, baby, housing, etc. Last tuesday I went to my doctors and again my blood pressure was really high, luckily my doctor agreed to put me on FMLA now which means I get 13 weeks off of work for baby time. Right now its to relax and when the baby comes that will be a different story. Since last wednesday I have been a free lady, which is funny because everyday I have been running errands and staying busy so it doesn't even feel like it. We have alot happening in the next little while with our lease coming to an end on 05/31 and Brooklyn due on 05/20, clark is waiting to hear back on a position at work which helps determine whether or not I go back to work after Brooklyn comes, etc. So it is no suprise to me that I have high blood pressure but I need to relax more! It has been nice to not have to worry about work and getting everything else taken care of. Well, there is my update for now...If you ever have a free day you can always hit me up!!


Rach said...

We will probably live in Italy. haha I'm jealous of you too! I want a baby! I hope all works out so you can stay home with your precious baby!

Bjarnson Family said...

Kelsey. I know you dont know me very well. But as you know I am way close with the Phillips. If you ever need anything let me know I will be glad to help. Cammie

amber {and co.} said...

im glad after all the stress that getting FMLA has caused that all worked out okay! congrats! :)

amber {and co.} said...
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Trent & Lindz said...

yay for FMLA!!! I think I've seen you more now than when you were working so I'm reaping the bennifits too! I can't wait for my "sick" day at work. Let me know when you want to hang out and I'll make the call!

Unknown said...

Hey Kelsey,
I totally understand the boat you are in. I am glad that you get to take a break though. Tell Clark that I said Hi and that as soon as finals are over Jake and I want to hang out. Tell Trent that we want to see him too ( he hasn't responded to any of my posts on his blog). And a little funny side note your sister posted to our blog that is neat that Jake and your sister know each other. What a small world. Talk to you soon.