Wednesday, May 28, 2008
May 25th!!
Here is how our Hospital stay went:
2:30 pm: Clark and I headed out to the hospital together. I was getting really nervous about the whole thing but Clark showed no sign of being nervous.
3 pm: Checked into the hospital. They took us back to our labor room where they asked medical questions and put the IV in me.
4 pm: The nurse started the jell to help start contractions and get me to soften. Before they started I was dialated to a 1.5 and was about 60% softened. Ashley, my wonderful sister, got to the hospital at this time. She was going to stay wih me the whole time and help. My Dad, Chad (brother inlaw), Garrett (brother), and Clark all gave me a blessing which was really nice and helped me relax. The rest of the night wasn't anything special. I had contractons that felt like menstral cramps and got worse throughout the night. Ashley, Clark, and I had fun hanging out.
4 am: The nurse took out the jell and checked me. I was still at 1.5 and now only 70% softened!! I had contractions for 12 hours that didn't do a thing! I wasn't so happy. They then put me on Potocin. Man o man, the contractions came quick, hard, and were close together.
8 am: I totally gave up on doing it natural!! I am the first to admit how weak I am. I had given people such a hard time, that I would do it and I caved. They gave me the epidural and I was EXTREMELY happy. Clark and Ashley like the epidural kelsey better anyway. Why go through so much pain when you can enjoy it. Plus I had already had 15-16 hours of contractions.
9:35 am: Dr. Beck came in to check on me. I had already dialated to a 3 and he went ahead and broke my water. Clark and Ashley were taking bets on when she would come and how much she weighed. Clark guessed at 2 pm and weighing around 7 pounds. Ashley said 3 and weighing 8 lbs.
10:40 am: the nurse checked me and I was already at a 5 or 6.
12 pm: I was now dialated to 9 with a little cervix left.
1:40 pm: I was already pushing and Clark was wanting me to really hurry up so he could win the bet with Ashley. For the first 20 minutes my pushing wasn't doing a whole lot because I was numb and couldn't feel when the contractions were coming. They put me back on potocin (they had taken me off at about 11 or so) so I would get more contractions. The time went by and it was 3...
3 pm: Dr. Beck came back, put on his booties, and grabed the vaccum to help get her out. Within minutes Brooklyn was born. She was 8lbs even and born at 3:09. Needless to say Ashley won the bet and Clark didn't like that but all was good. The next hour flew by really fast. Brooklyn was wide eyed and full of life. We enjoyed her sweet little spirit so much. Clark was really excited to finally see her and feel her in his arms. Brooklyn has tons of hair and looks like my side of the family. He says she looks like a mix of Garrett, Maddsen, Darrik, and of course me.
Thank you to all who came and visited us in the hospital and brought brooklyn gifts! It was a really great experience and are greatful for all our family and friends. We love all of ya and glad you could be apart of this life changing, exciting experience.
Posted by Kelsey around 9:09 PM 4 People Who Care
Thursday, May 22, 2008
It's official...
Its official everyone, on Saturday afternoon I will go in to be induced to have Brooklyn!! Yeah!! Unless she comes before then which I doubt will happen because right now I am only dilated to a one. I will go in at 3pm and they will first put some jell on my cervix to help soften it more and then after waiting 12 hours they will go ahead and do potocin to do the rest. So most likely I will have her Sunday!! Clark and I are excited to finally not have to wait and guess when she will be here, and I can get some sleep. These past 4 days or so I haven't been sleeping well because I have been so anxious for her to be here and not knowing when is what caused the lack of sleep. Still excited but get more rest now... Well I guess wish me luck and we will keep everyone posted on our new arrival!!
Posted by Kelsey around 5:39 AM 8 People Who Care
Monday, May 19, 2008
The waiting game...
So tomorrow is my "due date", can't beleive it? Neither can I. I have come to the conclusion that I hate due dates, they should lie to you and tell you a date farther out so that way you can't get your hopes up when that "due date" comes and nothing has happened! I wished they had told me like june 1st because now I am more anxious and excited than ever and there is nothing I can do about it. All I can do is sit and wait. Oh yes don't get me wrong I have tried every trick in the book they tell you to do to help induce but nothing has happened. The one thing I haven't done and don't think I will do is the whole castor oil thing, gross!! I go walking for an hour everyday, eat spicy foods, tried the hanky panky, was going to jump on a tramp but Clark wouldn't let me because he thinks it will make her have brain damage. (He's funny like that, yet he has no problem recommending I take the castor oil.) "Have you shown signs of nesting yet?," you might ask. Well yes of course. Her crib is up even though we are moving and will have to take it down. I washed all her clothes and have been awaiting this girl for weeks now. I guess what I am really doing here is venting because I have a daughter who won't listen to her parents and come already!! Any ideas or advice for anyone to help this girl come??
Posted by Kelsey around 8:11 AM 6 People Who Care
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Maternity Pictures By Lindsay Owens" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars="cy=bb&il=1&channel=1729382256923435359&" style="width:400px;height:320px" name="flashticker" align="middle">
Posted by Kelsey around 8:36 PM 0 People Who Care
Monday, May 12, 2008
Time Flys
I can't believe that our little girl will be here anyday now!! There is alot going on right now with Clark and I, Clark just recently passed the State Life and Health exam which has been taking his time for the past 2-3 weeks with a class and taking the test twice (he failed the first time by 2 darn questions). Then there is a position he is going for with work which will help determine if I am able to be a full time stay at home mom or if I will need to go back to work part time to help provide for our new three member family. Our lease at our apartment is up on the 31st of this month so we are trying to get packed and actually we are trying to get into a home. We put in an offer for a house in queen creek. Its 2k square feet with 4 bd/ 2 bth and on a short sale. The owners took our offer now we are just waiting to hear from the bank. So until we do we are going to have to find a place to stay. It is looking like Brooklyn will be with her grandparents and great grandmother for the first little while of her life. So with all this going on the only thing that is really taking up all my thoughts is dear little Brooklyn!! Especially with yesterday, Mother's Day...that didn't help. She isn't due for another 8 days but we are hoping she will make her appearance anyday, prefering it was yesterday. I can't believe time has gone by so fast. I remember in september, waiting for my first doctors appiontment in october, thinking that time will never pick up and look where we are at today. CRAZY!! So don't worry to those who are pregnant (amber, cara, lindsay, no jus kidding about lindsay) time will zoom by and your bundle of joy will be here shortly!! For right now we are stuck playing the waiting game.......Please be today, please be today...... |
Posted by Kelsey around 9:42 AM 4 People Who Care
Monday, May 5, 2008
Baby Shower
Last thursday I had my baby shower which was thrown by Lindsay Owens and my mother in law Julie. It was a blast and these two laddies made it wonderful!! Thanks. We played a few games, opened gifts and caught up on old times. The food was great and I couldn't ask for a better crowd there. Thanks to all who came and to those who couldn't make it but sent gifts anyway, there was alot of cute things! Again thanks to everyone especially Linds and Julie!!
The wonderful decorations and the food was great!! My favorite was the cheesecake...mmmm
Thanks to my mother for the cute shirt!! I got many compliments on it!! Thanks
One game was to guess how many squares of toilet paper i measured around the waist, there was a three way tie!! Julie won on making me feel huge because she had way to much...
This is wonder Lindsay who threw me the shower! Thanks again gal...
Heather, who is recently pregnant, and LJ who is leaving on her mission on May 28th...We will miss her but hopefully she will get to meet Brooklyn before she leaves!!
Posted by Kelsey around 1:16 PM 6 People Who Care