Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's official...

Its official everyone, on Saturday afternoon I will go in to be induced to have Brooklyn!! Yeah!! Unless she comes before then which I doubt will happen because right now I am only dilated to a one. I will go in at 3pm and they will first put some jell on my cervix to help soften it more and then after waiting 12 hours they will go ahead and do potocin to do the rest. So most likely I will have her Sunday!! Clark and I are excited to finally not have to wait and guess when she will be here, and I can get some sleep. These past 4 days or so I haven't been sleeping well because I have been so anxious for her to be here and not knowing when is what caused the lack of sleep. Still excited but get more rest now... Well I guess wish me luck and we will keep everyone posted on our new arrival!!


Trent & Lindz said...

Ok so I was kindof close on my guessing date. If you by some chance have her on Saturday though I'll be right on with the 24th! :) I'm just excited she's finally coming though so it doesn't matter who got it right. I am so anxious to meet her! I can only imagine how exited you and Clark must be!! Let me know if you need anything! I'd love to help in any way I can!

amber {and co.} said...

We're so excited that she will come while we're down there, can't wait to meet my little niece! Just 3 more days and she'll be here, you can do it! hooray!

Unknown said...

I am so excited for you. Definantly try and get some sleep though because when she comes I hate to break it to you sleeping will never be the same. I have three that sleep mostly through the night and still it will never be like it was when I had no kids. But they are truely the best thing that could happen to anyone. I know we have not met yet but I love Clark to death and if you need anything just let me know. Plus once you feel like you are in the swing of things again we are all getting together.

Cara Jones said...

How exciting!!! Keep us posted- I can't wait to see pictures of her!!!

Cara Jones said...

How exciting!!! Keep us posted- I can't wait to see pictures of her!!!

Megs said...

It was good to see you the other day! Hope all goes well with the delivery and I will definitely be on the lookout for pictures!!! Good Luck!!!

Caroline said...

Glad to hear that baby Brooklyn has arrived safely. Can't wait to see pictures of her!

Bjarnson Family said...

Kelsey and Clark congrats on the new arrival. Amber sent me a pic of her through phone and she is so cute. Congrats again.