Monday, May 19, 2008

The waiting game...

So tomorrow is my "due date", can't beleive it? Neither can I. I have come to the conclusion that I hate due dates, they should lie to you and tell you a date farther out so that way you can't get your hopes up when that "due date" comes and nothing has happened! I wished they had told me like june 1st because now I am more anxious and excited than ever and there is nothing I can do about it. All I can do is sit and wait. Oh yes don't get me wrong I have tried every trick in the book they tell you to do to help induce but nothing has happened. The one thing I haven't done and don't think I will do is the whole castor oil thing, gross!! I go walking for an hour everyday, eat spicy foods, tried the hanky panky, was going to jump on a tramp but Clark wouldn't let me because he thinks it will make her have brain damage. (He's funny like that, yet he has no problem recommending I take the castor oil.) "Have you shown signs of nesting yet?," you might ask. Well yes of course. Her crib is up even though we are moving and will have to take it down. I washed all her clothes and have been awaiting this girl for weeks now. I guess what I am really doing here is venting because I have a daughter who won't listen to her parents and come already!! Any ideas or advice for anyone to help this girl come??


Rach said...

i'm sorry your little bundle won't come! i bet you are in misery! i am sorry. i hope she comes soon tho! we want to come visit and meet her before we move. :) i bet it will be one of those things that as soon as you stop thinking about it for just a second that it will happen. good luck! she will be beautiful when she does come. :)

Bjarnson Family said...

I wish I had some advice for you on how to get her to come, but like I have always been told they will come on their own time. I have not been through a pregnancy but I am sure its getting really annoying that the day will come and then go. Just do the hanky panky every day and I am sure something will happen. Good luck Kelsey I know it will be great.

amber {and co.} said...

lol, I think she is just waiting for Aunt Amber and Uncle Cody to get there before she can come! Hmm, well I have a friend who swears she induced all her kids by doing pilates, might be worth a shot? We're keeping our fingers crossed! :)

Cara Jones said...

Kelsey!! I hope she comes soon too! I have heard that getting a pedicure will help out with inducing labor. I am not sure exactly how it works, but it is something like the trigger points that get massaged when you have a pedicure. The ladies at work swear by this method. Even if it doesn't work you will atleast have pretty toes for when she does arrive :-)

ashley said...

I bet you haven't tried that one thing that we were reading, that you didn't want to tell Clark!! but I think that would be worse than the castor oil. Just plan on her coming in a week, and then you won't be dissapointed!

amber {and co.} said...

Happy Due Date!!! We love you! :)