Yesterday was a rough day here at my house with Brooklyn. She missed her full nap in the morning due to church which helped make the day go by less smoothly. Then in the afternoon she started to get a runny nose and clogged up, all I could do was use the blue-snot-sucker-upper but you can only get so much of it all. I tried putting her down at her usual bedtime at 6:30 and she was not having it. I brought her back out to the main room and let her watch TV which she loves, then Clark discovered it...
Brooklyn has her first tooth!! It's on the bottom left side and there is only one. After 2 months of mad drool she finally got it and it was breaking through the gums. Well I couldn't find the baby Tylenol so we let her stay up 2 hours past bedtime thinking she would crash but she still didn't want to. I then searched again for the meds and luckily I found it!! After a warm bottle, medication, and 30 more minutes watching TV we tried a fourth time to put her down.
This time her crying was because she had rolled over and couldn't roll back on to her tummy. After putting her back on her belly she was out! Yay!!! Then I spoke to soon, she woke up 3 times last night due to rolling over and also pain. I dunno how I can keep up with her especially when we go on our trip this week to UT.
So I realized the hard way that teething is as bad as they say!! Any tips I would be glad to try them!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
As bad as they say...
Posted by Kelsey around 7:38 AM 7 People Who Care
Monday, October 27, 2008
First Bite
Write it down in your books that Brooklyn Lydia Phillips took her first spoonful of food (well rice cereal) on October 21, 2008. Here is a collection of photos for this monumental event, as you can see she has some mixed emotions about it all. It seems this girl has been ready for food for some time, she stares at us while we eat, well stares at our food. Clark said she didn't like the rice cereal and she is like her Daddy, "She needs something with flavor, she is like her father and enjoys the finner foods..." We are going to continue the rice cereal for a little bit and then move on the bananas or something more exotic.
Posted by Kelsey around 10:51 AM 1 People Who Care
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Bath time!
These girls will probably hate their aunt and mom for this later in life.
Man she doesn't look happy here! Don't worry she was...
Posted by Kelsey around 10:10 AM 1 People Who Care
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Family Time
I was leaving Ashley's house where everything was hanging out and we had to wake brooklyn to go but I realized I hadn't taken any pictures with everyone with her. This is her right after waking up! Love that she can wake up like this and then go right back to bed when we get home! She loved her Grandpa Farmer!
She loved her Aunt Meagie too. Clark thinks that Brooklyn was mistaking Meagan for me because she was smile at her just as much as me!! She was even follow her around the room with her eyes!
Grandma Muir, let me tell you Brooklyn LOVED her! She wouldn't stop smiling to her and she had so much to say to her all the time. She really enjoyed having her Grandma stay with us!
Us Crazy sisters having way too much fun messing with each other!
Posted by Kelsey around 9:55 AM 1 People Who Care
Friday, October 24, 2008
Farewell Darrik
On Sunday my brother Darrik gave his farewell talk in his home ward in North Mesa. It was really good and he brought the spirit. Darrik has grown up so much and he is a great young man who will be one of the greatest missionaries! After church he was set apart as an Elder by his Stake President, Dad, Devin, Garrett, Clark, Chad and Darrik's best friend Sterling. It was a great blessing.
That night we had a open house for him. He had invited all his friends out to our house in Queen Creek. They enjoyed root beer floats, brownies, Carmel corn, and my awesome banana bread while playing games. While Darrik was doing that us Farmers were playing family charades where we would act out scenes from our childhood that others would know. It was pretty fun. Monday was pretty chill, unfortunately Devin had to get back to NC to work.
Tuesday morning was a rough one for me. I got up at 5:30 to take my Dad and my sister Meagan to the airport. After dropping them off I went to the gas station to fill up the gas with money my Dad had given me, I locked the doors because I had my purse in the car and my important IPhone. When I came back I noticed I didn't have the clicker, only the key. So I tried to start the car and it wouldn't start. My Brother in law has a special alarm on his car that when it goes off if you don't have the clicker you can't start the car. Well it wasn't so great for me. My Dad had forgotten to leave the clicker with me so he had it at the airport with him. I tried everything to find that stupid Disarm button but couldn't find it. I even had 3 Mexicans look for me and they couldn't see it. They were nice enough to disconnect the battery so it would stop going off. Although I bet it didn't look good if you didn't know the situation, Mexicans disconnecting the battery and looking to jump start the vehicle. Well I waited at McD's next door for an hour till everyone else came with Darrik to take him to the airport. We then realized my mom had forgotten her licence at our house but luckily she was able to get on the flight without it.
Then it came time to say our goodbyes which was teary and hard to do. He has been such a close friend to me and I have enjoyed him living with us for the past month and a half. He is such an amazing 19 year old with so much spirit and a great testimony. He has been through a lot and even after all that he has become a wonderful young man!! The people of Brazil are truly blessed to have him there! Can't wait to hear all about his crazy stories and wonderful missionary experiences!
Posted by Kelsey around 10:18 AM 2 People Who Care
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Clark's Birthday
Staurday the 18th was Clark's Birthday. I will admit he kinda got the shaft this time. All my family was in for my brother's farewell and so we didn't celebrate as much as we should have for him. Clark and I went to North Scottsdale to get his cookbook signed by Gaita but unfortnately the line was way too long and we didn't get there early enough so we never did get it signed. Clark said he will still use the book as much as if it was. Then we went out to lunch. It was nice to get out and be able to have a grown up conversation where we didn't have to speak baby talk. (love you Brook a broo) We then went back home and he got to play his PS3 which he was happy about. Clark is now 26 years old! Man, thats old. (Sorry to those of you who are reading this and are older than that!) Well, next year we will make up for it. Thanks to Grammy, Julie and Bob, Cody and Amber, and my Mom for the gifts. He spent his gift cards on The Office season 4, The Hulk bluray dvd, and a new game! He is spoiled.
Love you Dearest and hope you enjoyed a relaxed day on your 26th Birthday!
Posted by Kelsey around 10:09 AM 2 People Who Care
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Road Trip
Last Tuesday on the 14Th My sister Ashley, her two daughters Kaylee and Taylor, my brother Darrik, and Brooklyn and I made our way to visit my grandparents in New Mexico. Darrik wanted to see my grandparents before he left for his mission, both of them have been getting worse medically and my mother doesn't think they will be around much longer. We tagged along to visit with them and for them to see Brooklyn for the first time.
So the road trip there was kinda bad, ok that's an understatement. It was horrible. Brooklyn hadn't gotten in any naps the whole way and she wasn't happy about being in her car seat. She did sleep the last hour there because it was her bed time and she was exhausted!! I thank Darrik and Ashley for not kicking us out. Although Taylor had thrown up shortly after driving through Payson. We now call her Mini Marc, if you know what I mean! We got in at about 8:30 our time, which was 9:30 their time. Aunt Laurie and Uncle Mark let us crash at their place which was very kind of them. That night we hung out with Todd, Kallie, Mark and Laurie. We kept them up late talking and chit chatting.
Then on Wednesday we went over to my grandparents to visit with them. It was tons of fun talking with them and enjoying their presence. Darrik was riding Grandma's wheel chair all over their little home and us older girls didn't give it any thought. He spent so much time in it I wanted to see what was so kewl about it. I somehow got him out and found why he enjoyed it so much. Man her wheel chair goes so fast and was a blast. So then Ashley got on it too. We had so much fun that we then had races on the main street. Grandma got a kick out of it all.
We left on wednesday afternoon, early evening. The trip back was so much better, Brooklyn slept or the first hour or two and then went back to sleep when it got dark at 7. When she was up she didn't even cry. It was a better day for her, thank goodness.
I love my Grandparents so much, they have done so much for me and have been such great examples! What big shoes to follow in, I hope I can be as great as they are!
We enjoyed our time with them and were sad it had to be such a short trip. We were so glad we went and spent time with them. Thank you Dad for providing that for all of us! It was a great experience and without you it wouldn't have been possible.
Posted by Kelsey around 3:29 PM 2 People Who Care
Thursday, October 9, 2008
So I was tagged by my sister in law, Amber, and I thought instead of sharing my 5 quirks I would talk about the last 5 ladies I have spoken to. I hope amber doesn't get too mad that I am going my own way...
Ashley Fuller
My sister is so amazing (as you can tell from the last post) She is someone I can always count on to be there for me! We always seem to have fun even though we might end up doing nothing we still enjoy it. If there is something my sister CAN'T do then I don't know about it.
Amber Phillips
Amber is also one I know who is always there for me and can share anything with her. We talk about anything and everything and I always feel appreciated and uplifted after talking with her. I feel like we have so much in common and I love having a sister in law who I feel so close with even though she lives hundred of miles away! Amber you are a great friend!!
Lindsay Owens
Man I have really lucked out with her! I am so glad Trent found you Lindsay, or that you found Trent! It amazes me that even though we have known each other for about a year and a half now I feel like we have been friends since elementary school. Lindsay is kind, funny, out going, always looks at the bright side of things, and is a blast to hang out with! She is always so GREAT with Brooklyn and even though we naturally call her "Aunt Lindsay" I feel as though she loves her as much as any of our family does. Lindsay you are one of my best friends and I treasure our friendship.
Jenny Plasto
So we recently moved in the our ward and Clark knows the Plasto Family from Chandler growing up. Her and her husband Trevor live a block away and always include us in the activities going on. Even though I have only known her about 3 weeks now I admire so many attributes of her. Jenny is very welcoming, giving, generous, kind, and fun to hang out with. I appreciate the immediate friendship and making me feel welcomed to our new ward and community.
Julie Phillips
I really lucked out with the in laws! Julie, where to start? Julie is always showing me a good time, whether its making banana bread or watching Cash in the Attic. Heck, when Clark went out on his boy nights I would go over to Bob and Julies and hang out with them! Julie has truly blessed our lives in so many ways! She is a very strong women and I admire that in her. I am so glad Brooklyn has 2 awesome grandmothers to look up to, Julie being the one of them.
Thank you to everyone else who has made an imprint on my heart!! Now I tag Lindsay, Rachael, Meagan, Jill, and Caitlin.
Posted by Kelsey around 4:54 PM 2 People Who Care
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Well I just wanted to take a moment and thank my older sister!! What an amazing women you are Ashley! I look up to you in so many ways and ou are a great example to me. I know I never say it enough but thank you! Thank you for all you have done, are doing and yet to do. I am so lucky to have you in my life and I treasure our friendship SO much.
for helping make bows, her bedding, etc,
for making me laugh and enjoy your company
for making me feel loved
for all the baby things we didnt have to buy because of you
for my 2 great nieces
for the all the advice
for getting me interested in Twilight Series
for all the blog help
for letting me live with you guys!
for showing kindness
for teaching me service
for letting me sing at the top of my lungs
for singing along
for the smiles
and for much much more...
Thank you for all the memories!!
Posted by ashley around 7:28 PM 2 People Who Care
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Chandler Robert Phillips
Born on September 30th 2008
5 lbs 6 ounces
19 inches
Posted by Kelsey around 3:10 PM 1 People Who Care
Saturday, October 4, 2008
More Brooklyn Pictures!!
These are for Great Aunt Cindy, thanks for the stylin outfit, Brooklyn loves it and I am sure her Aunt Lydia would be proud!
Here is our "little egg roll" as Clark calls her. He said it sounds like leg rolls, hence why he calls her that
As of her last check up on 09/25, exactly 4 months old:
Height 26.25 inches- off the charts literally
Weight 15.4 lbs- 75th percentile
Head Circumference forget exact measurments but in 25th percentile
Posted by Kelsey around 2:46 PM 2 People Who Care
Friday, October 3, 2008
This is what she wore on her first Sunday at our new ward, I love this bow it's one of my favorites!
She wasn't so happy in this one but I had to show it, still think she is too cute!
So what do you think of my bows?? I still have so much more ribbon to work with so we will see what I can come up with...
She has some of the funniest faces!!
Posted by Kelsey around 2:29 PM 4 People Who Care
1. Like many, I hate talking on the phone. I love that most of my friends enjoy the art of texting as much as I do. I would even prefer a face to face conversation so if u wanna chit chat let's get together and do something!! Another thing, I dunno how I did collections for 1.5 years when I hate talking on the phone. That's all I did the WHOLE time, or maybe that's what made me hate it so?
2. I absolutely love getting mail. Love the actual retrieving of the mail, sorting the mail, and openning the mail. Now what's funny is I don't like bills but love mail which is mainly bills!! What can u do?!
3. I am affraid of the dark and also scary movies. I have a very vivid imagination and can't handle nights after watching a scary movie. Just 2 nights ago I woke up screaming on the top of my lungs because I had pictured an outline of a big figure standing above me, it scared Clark too and he was suprised I didn't wake up Brooklyn or the nieghbors. We both didn't fall asleep after that for a while and when we did it wasn't good. I haven't watched a scary movie since "The Ring" I think in which case I saw half of it and still had to sleep with a night light
and also my younger sister!!
Posted by Kelsey around 9:32 AM 0 People Who Care
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Home Owners now!!
Well Great news, Clark and I are new home owners now!! We signed the papers on 9/15 and got the keys the followng day. We moved in on wednesday and moved all the big things that weekend. Darrik, my younger brother, moved in with us until he leaves for his mission on 10/21. The first thing we bought was a couch. Ashley (my older sis) and I painted Brooklyn's room. Still need to finish the curtains and bedding and also the molding around the diamonds but its coming. Everything is still not in place but its coming. We love it and can't wait to build great memories here!!
Our lovely kitchen with great upgrades!
Our great room...
Front of the house
Brooklyn and I infront of the house #s...
My sister in Brooklyn's room
The painting Queen!! My pants were nice before this experience, now they are strickly my painting pants...
Posted by Kelsey around 2:03 PM 6 People Who Care
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Trip to the Ostrich Farm...
So I know it has been a while, ok forever but we have had so much going on the past month or so. So get ready for picure and post OVERLOAD!! About a month ago Clark and I took our nephew Aiden to the ostrich farm. He had so much fun there. We were able to feed the ostrich, deer, donkeys, and small birds. We all had a great time...Here are some pictures from our fun little trip! So funny, Aiden kept looking for the bird on his back and birds kept attacking me so the camera shot is bad but too funny.
Posted by Kelsey around 1:38 PM 0 People Who Care