Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Well I just wanted to take a moment and thank my older sister!! What an amazing women you are Ashley! I look up to you in so many ways and ou are a great example to me. I know I never say it enough but thank you! Thank you for all you have done, are doing and yet to do. I am so lucky to have you in my life and I treasure our friendship SO much.

*Thank you:

for watching brooklyn

for helping make bows, her bedding, etc,

for making me laugh and enjoy your company

for making me feel loved

for all the baby things we didnt have to buy because of you

for my 2 great nieces

for the all the advice

for getting me interested in Twilight Series

for all the blog help

for letting me live with you guys!

for showing kindness

for teaching me service

for letting me sing at the top of my lungs

for singing along

for the smiles

and for much much more...

Thank you for all the memories!!


Kelsey said...

Just an FYI my sister didn't write this post I did but was logged in her name on the site...

ashley said...

awww that's so nice! But I can't take all the credit for watching Brooklyn cause Taylor did most of it :-) I love you too and love being around ya!