Tuesday, October 28, 2008

As bad as they say...

Yesterday was a rough day here at my house with Brooklyn. She missed her full nap in the morning due to church which helped make the day go by less smoothly. Then in the afternoon she started to get a runny nose and clogged up, all I could do was use the blue-snot-sucker-upper but you can only get so much of it all. I tried putting her down at her usual bedtime at 6:30 and she was not having it. I brought her back out to the main room and let her watch TV which she loves, then Clark discovered it...

Brooklyn has her first tooth!! It's on the bottom left side and there is only one. After 2 months of mad drool she finally got it and it was breaking through the gums. Well I couldn't find the baby Tylenol so we let her stay up 2 hours past bedtime thinking she would crash but she still didn't want to. I then searched again for the meds and luckily I found it!! After a warm bottle, medication, and 30 more minutes watching TV we tried a fourth time to put her down.

This time her crying was because she had rolled over and couldn't roll back on to her tummy. After putting her back on her belly she was out! Yay!!! Then I spoke to soon, she woke up 3 times last night due to rolling over and also pain. I dunno how I can keep up with her especially when we go on our trip this week to UT.

So I realized the hard way that teething is as bad as they say!! Any tips I would be glad to try them!


Bjarnson Family said...

I dont have any kids but i was a nanny when I was about 15 and I had a baby that was teething. I have found that the cold rings really help with the teething process. If you dont have one of those anything cold will really help because it numbs the gums. I am sure she will be ok in Utah.

amber {and co.} said...
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amber {and co.} said...

Chandler says he and Brooklyn can stay up and have all night parties together! Life as a baby is so hard :(

Trent & Lindz said...

Hey Kelsey, I know I can be a stickler sometimes but just wanted to say that it is hard to read your blog with that huge spiderweb that doesn't move. Thats all. Being unemployed makes me wander the blogs. This is Trent by the way.

Emily P. said...

i dont know anything about babies, but it sounds like you are doing a good job. Haha, this post scares me about being a mom!

Trent & Lindz said...

Hey Halloween is over now! Let's get that new background up--- Love you :)
- Trent

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
I want to see Brooklyns costume.She is such a doll.