Saturday, November 1, 2008

Goodbye Scottie

The Boys

Our good friend Scottie left for his mission this past Wednesday to Portland Oregon and we couldn't be more happier for him. About a week before he left all of us got together and played some Rock Band, ate Los Favoritos, and enjoyed each other's company. The Boys really got into the Rock Band and had a blast. Here a few pics from the fun evening!


Rach said...

oh! We're so proud of Scaw-t. I'm sad we couldn't be there too!

P.s. I <3 your new background n such.

amber {and co.} said...

I love that first picture of the boys- Clark, Nate and Billy all look retarded and Trent looks like a midget!

Julie Phillips said...

Just goes to show that boys grow old but they don't grow up!!!! Memories of their younger days relived. We are so proud of Scooter!!!!! Mom and Dad Phillips