Saturday, November 22, 2008

My Twilight Review

So here is my review of Twilight:

My sister and I went to the movie Friday afternoon at a smaller theater and it was perfect. When we got out there was a long line for the next showing with soooo many teeny boppers (that's what we call teenage hormonal hyper girls) and were glad we saw it when we did!

I thought that it was a pretty good movie although Edward is not as attractive as I thought he would be in the book. He just doesn't do anything for me! I did however feel he did a great job at his character and same with Bella. Bella on the other hand was perfect for her role: in both physical and emotional ways!

Here are the few characters I didn't feel were the right ones for the part. First of all isn't Alice suppose to be blonde?? She didn't bring the same amount of warmth and kindness she had in the book. I can't really think who else I wasn't to fond of, maybe Eric? Oh and Jasper gave a definitely weird vibe, one I didn't feel from the book.

I felt that Charlie, Emmett, Alice, Esme, Carlisle, Jessica, Jacob (oh can you say Hair cut?!) were perfect for the parts.

One thing that really did bug me was the make-up in some parts. Like when you see Carlisle for the first time in the Hospital and he is so white and you can see the make-up line on his neck where is ends...ya that was BAD!! I am hoping with the 2ND one they can improve that a little bit.

Oh and another thing: what was up with the whole "weirdness" of the movie. I mean I do understand he's a vampire and it does put a twist on a "fairy tale" but I felt like they went a little to weird on it.

Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed the movie! I just wanted to vent on what was on my mind about it. All in all I did like the movie, I would go see it again. In fact I hope to soon. I just wish Edward was a little more breath taking for me!! He is suppose to be "untouchable" and I just don't feel that way about him. Well, after seeing the movie it did urge me to read it again, for the 3RD TIME!


Rach said...

I haven't seen the movie yet (i have plans to see it on wed) but from what i've seen the actor for edward just isn't as hot as i was picturing edward... but out of context have you seen that actor in real life picture without the makeup? he is HOT. i thought he was in harry potter too. haha but i agree about the part of edward. i cant' wait to see the movie!

amber {and co.} said...

Okay I'm totally with you on this! Overall good, I would definitely see it again (and still jealous you got to see it opening day!!) but you're right, they definitely needed a different Edward! I though everyone was cast pretty well except for him, I definitely didn't think he was attractive (Emmett on the other hand, hottie!) Even his acting skills were a little iffy, it's like you said,he was trying to hard to look the "vampire" part! I actually saw a picture of the actor who plays Jacob, he's a cutie without the long hair, that definitely needs to go! Totally agree that Carlisle's makeup was sketchy, I thought everyone else's was alright, although if i see it again I'll look closer! I'm glad the second time around was good too though, so glad you're a fan and thanks for the heads up before i went to see it!! :)

amber {and co.} said...

p.s. sorry for writing a novel :)

Jill said...

That was fun last night, but I probably won't see it again, it was like a really bad cliffs notes version. Stupid idiots that murdered the meadow scene and Jasper a freak. Oh well, at least we had a good time.